Hello wonderful people, I am a Primary School Teacher, wanting to share my amazing resources! I have put together the most creative, exciting, innovative ideas together. All the resources are affordable and you will be delighted with your purchase. Please kindly leave a 5 star review. 🌟
Hello wonderful people, I am a Primary School Teacher, wanting to share my amazing resources! I have put together the most creative, exciting, innovative ideas together. All the resources are affordable and you will be delighted with your purchase. Please kindly leave a 5 star review. 🌟
Learning objectives –
• To have a better understanding of how a hot thought could seriously affect our lives
• To learn about an alternative strategy to use in place of acting on our first thought
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great power points, classroom discussion points, the students will definitely benefit from this! Purchase this resource now! Biggest bargain on this website - only £1! Due to high demand, this resource could be charged at £15 in the future, so buy now!
Learning objectives –
• For students to gain a better understanding of what emotions are to how we recognise them.
• For students to gain a better understanding of positive emotions.
• For students to gain a better understanding of the highs and lows of emotion.
• For students to gain a better knowledge of the emotion of empathy.
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great power points, classroom discussion points, the students will definitely benefit from this! Purchase this resource now! Biggest bargain on this website - only £1! Due to high demand, this resource could be charged at £15 in the future, so buy now!
Learning objectives –
• For students to gain a greater knowledge of their own personal qualities.
• For students to gain a greater awareness of media pressure in body image.
• For students to identify important areas of their lives.
• For students to gain a greater knowledge of self-promotion.
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great lesson plans, power points, classroom discussion points and student activities. The pupils will definitely benefit from this! Can be used for all ages! Purchase this resource now! Biggest bargain on this website - only £1! Due to high demand, this resource could be charged at £15 in the future, so buy now!
The medium term plan covers different topic areas including:
Working as a Team being part of a class.
Election of a School Councillor.
Personal Qualities
Learning from mistakes
A to Z of feelings
Emotions and Actions
Right and Wrong
Antisocial behaviour
Responsibilities in the family
Local democracy
This medium term plan covers a wide range of lesson objectives. There are power points to support you as well. It is a brilliant resource with lots of pictures. Great for primary and secondary school pupils.
Learning Objectives
How to use a force meter.
To know the difference between gravity and weight.
To know what forces are acting on objects
Making parachutes.
To distinguish between a scientific explanation for results and descriptions or other statements.
To identify appropriate scientific explanations
Plasticine boat challenge.
Know that friction will exert a force on a moving object and slow it down and also that friction will impede movement of a stationary object (both examples of inertia).
To observe, measure and record observations.
To analyse the results and come to a conclusion about the results.
Know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Learning objectives –
• For students to gain a greater understanding of their political rights and how they are protected.
• For students to gain a greater understanding of what makes a political group.
• For students to gain a greater understanding of politics in their daily lives.
• For students to gain a greater knowledge of political responses to issues that challenge society.
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great lesson plans, power points, classroom discussion points and student activities. The pupils will definitely benefit from this! Can be used for all ages! Purchase this resource now! Biggest bargain on this website - only £1! Due to high demand, this resource could be charged at £15 in the future, so buy now!
Lesson Objectives:
-To create shade and tone using pencils.
-To make different types of marks and effects on paper.
-To be able to represent a 3D object using shade and tone.
-To represent detail using different pencil effects
-To emphasise the tonal qualities of colour.
-To be able to draw an object without looking at it.
-To draw with confidence.
-To learn to make decisions whilst drawing.
-To draw a balanced composition.
-To learn to make decisions whilst drawing.
-To draw a balanced composition.
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great lesson plan! Can be used for all ages! Purchase this resource now! Biggest bargain on this website - only £1! Due to high demand, this resource could be charged at £15 in the future, so buy now!
Lesson Objectives:
-Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work.
-Developing knowledge and understanding of visual elements, including colour, pattern, shape form and space and how these elements can be combined.
-Select and record from first hand observation.
-Matching ideas to materials and processes
-Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own work and others’ work and say what they think and feel about them.
-Adapt their work according to their views and developing knowledge and understanding of visual elements, including colour, pattern, shape form and space and how these elements can be combined
This is one of the best resources on this website! A must buy! Great lesson plan. The pupils will definitely benefit from this!